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Why Hiding Money & Valuables in Your Ductwork & Vents Is a Bad Idea; Restricts Air Flow, Air Ducts Cannot Support Extra Weight &

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We’ve all seen it a million times in the movies, people hiding money or other things in the vents or ducts of their home that they don’t want anybody to find. While this might sound like a reasonable idea, it isn’t a good one. Air Supply Heating & Air Conditioning is here to talk about the danger associated with hiding your valuables in your vents and ducts.

Items in Your Ductwork Restrict Airflow

When talking about ways to increase the efficiency of your HVAC system, the first thing you should do is replace the air filters. This will increase the air flow to your unit and allow it to work without too much effort. So of course, this is the first and foremost reason we think it’s a bad idea to put items in your vents and ducts. You are almost instantly restricting air flow to your unit, not allowing it to work as effortlessly as it should. Not only does this waste energy and your money, but it will cause unnecessary wear to your system. Requiring your system to work harder than it has to, to operate, will cause parts to break sooner than they normally would.

Air Duct Runs Cannot Support Extra Weight

If you have ever actually seen air ducts before they are installed in a home, you will know they are made of flimsy metal. The metal that makes them up isn’t very thick, because they don’t have to support anything other than air. Air ducts were never meant to have a person crawl around inside them, or hide anything in them for that matter. They don’t have the strength to support extra weight. You should never crawl around in them to hide valuables, and you shouldn’t hide items in there that add any weight at all to them. They will end up separating and even collapsing when any weight is added to them.

Items Can Get Lost Inside Air Ductwork

The way your ductwork was designed was to allow air to circulate through them. This may be common sense, but if you are hiding money or important documents inside your ductwork you could lose it. As the air kicks on, lightweight items could fly away with the air circulating through the vents. Even more problematic, is the fact that those items will be taken somewhere in your ductwork and could end up causing damage in other places. Your system uses electricity to work and you don’t want to run the risk of any paper items catching on fire, especially when using your heat.

Heating & Air Conditioning Services in the Las Vegas Valley, Summerlin, North LV & Henderson Nevada

The risks are too great to put anything in your vents or ductwork to keep them out of sight. There are plenty of other areas in your home that are much safer, and won’t end up costing you money in the long run. Air Supply Heating & Air Conditioning offers emergency repairs and maintenance to keep your HVAC system running flawlessly through all the seasons of the year. Call us today!