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What to Know About Central Air Conditioners in Las Vegas, NV; Function, Potential Faults, Air Filters & Routine Maintenance

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Air conditioners are featured in nearly every home across the country, but most assuredly in the Las Vegas Desert. When it comes to your air conditioner, it not only serves to keep the indoor temperatures but it also helps when the humidity levels as well as indoor air quality. With the many different attributes involved with the air conditioner, we at Air Supply Heating and Air Conditioning would like to relate the first 5 of 10 important things every consumer should know about air conditioners. We will continue this list in our next blog.

What to Know About Central Air Conditioners

1. Understanding the function of an air conditioner. In order for the air conditioner to cool down your home or business, it basically removes the heat from the indoor air and cycles it to the outdoors. The air is treated by blowing the air over the evaporator coil, which are a set of cool pipes. To help you better understand the action taking place, think of how cool you are temporarily when you get out of the pool on a warm day. And as the water evaporates and dries off your skin, think of the coolness that often is associated. Refrigerant is a liquid that fills the evaporator coils to transform the liquid into a gas when it absorbs the heat from the air. Another coil, known as a condenser disperses the heat and the gas is then transferred back into a liquid when the refrigerant is being pumped. The pump, or the compressor, of the air conditioner cycles the refrigerant between the two coils as it changes the pressure to ensure that the entire refrigerant is either being condensed or evaporated in the appropriate coils. Powered by a motor, the compressor is energized to perform, while the entire system will normally produce about three times the cooling energy than what the compressor consumes.
2. British Thermal Unit (BTU). The primitive air conditioners, before refrigerant was used to create cool air, were achieved by saving giant blocks of ice. The term “ton” for measuring the size of an air conditioning unit was because when the machines started to get used, they were sized and rated by the equivalent amount of ice that was melted in a day. Modernly speaking, when a ton of cooling is defined, it is measuring the 12,000 BTU per hour of cooling it is delivering. BTU units of energy are used for both heat and cooling. A window air conditioner is usually less than one ton, where as a unit for a small home are two tons and the larger homes and some small businesses require five tons.
3. Potential air conditioner faults. Air conditioners are one of the most major appliances that are found in homes and businesses. They possess a complex network of components and moving parts that keep it working at peak performance. Air conditioners are not a “one size fits all” appliance either. They sized to fit the square foot of particular buildings. The refrigerant is charged, or filled, to specifically fit the size of the air conditioner that is designed for the load. Air conditioners are also specifically engineered to push a certain amount of air flow through the coils. Now if any of these primary functions experience any alterations, the system will experience some problems, which will only ripple the effect if not dealt with immediately.
– Adding more circumstances to the mix, by operating more appliances or having multiple people over, can prevent the air conditioner from keeping up with the demand.
– Refrigerant that is inadequately charged from installation or is low due to leaks will contribute to the air conditioner not performing efficiently.
– If the air flow capacity is reduced across the outdoor unit’s condenser, the capability of dispersing the heat outdoors is reduced and the air conditioner won’t be up to par, especially so if it is a hot day like Vegas is so famous for.
– Dry climates throughout the Southwest of the United States experience the previous issues when the indoor evaporator coil air flow pressure is low. Humid climates are a little more involved in regards to this issue as it can then produce elevated levels of humidity indoors.
– Low airflow can cause the evaporator coil to freeze, making the unit’s performance worse, which can damage the compressor until it fails.
4. Air filter contributions. Nearly every model of conditioner unit is featured with a filter ahead of the evaporator coil. The filter can be constructed in the return grille or in designated spots in the ductwork; those are the fuzzy or folded paper filters. The filter is responsible for precluding the airborne particles to filter through the air conditioning system, as well as keep the indoor air clean. Over time, the air filter doing its job can become overloaded with the buildup of debris; dirt, dust, hair, pet fur, pollen and allergens, as well as other contaminates. If the filter is obstructing the air flow with a heavy burden, the air conditioner is unable to function efficiently. Disposable filters need to be changed out, or reusable filters need to be appropriately cleaned and refitted. This task should be conducted every 1-3 months, depending on the variables; occupancy, pets, inside smokers, residents that suffer from frequent allergies or asthma, and so on.
5. Routine a/c maintenance is essential. Individual and professional maintenance is mandatory if you expect your air conditioner to work at peak performance, minimize the need for repairs, extend the life span of the appliance, and control the energy use. Professional maintenance is more optimal at the beginning of the air conditioning season, and for maximum quality at the end of air conditioning season, especially in hot and dry climates like Las Vegas, NV when the air conditioner unit is often used more so throughout the year.

Professional Air Conditioning & Heating Services in Las Vegas Valley, Summerlin, North LV & Henderson Nevada

As mentioned earlier, there are many things Air Supply Heating & Air Conditioning wants our customers to know so that you can better take care of your air conditioning system and protect your investment. Stay tuned for the next installment in this educational series and contact Air Supply Heating & Air Conditioning with any questions or HVAC services!