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Workplace Productivity; Is Your Standard Office Air Conditioning Temperature Sexist in Las Vegas, NV? Are Women’s Bodies Colder

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You know you’ve all seen it (or felt it). You walk into an office to see women bundled up in the warmest sweaters they can find while the men sitting next to them are pleased as punch with the cool air blowing from the vents. Could it be that your office air conditioning is sexist? Air Supply Heating & Air Conditioning is here to talk about some facts that point towards your office air conditioner being designed with men in mind.

Why Do They Keep Office Air Conditioning Temperatures So Cold?

If you are a woman, you have probably noticed that the office is always frigid. It can be 100 degrees outside and you will still feel the need to wear a sweater to work. How can it possibly be that women feel they need to spend their lunch hour outside thawing out? Professional women need not worry, recent studies show that it isn’t all in your head. More than 50 years ago the workforce was predominately male. As air conditioners were designed and fabricated, they had a 150 pound, 40 year-old male in mind. They weren’t taking into account how a woman would feel at the office, because women didn’t play such a major role in the workforce as they do now.

Male VS Female Body Temperature; Are Women’s Bodies Colder than Men’s?

When air conditioning systems were designed, they were using a formula that figured out the right temperature based in the resting metabolic rate of a 154-pound man in his 40s. Studies show that for women, they have a much lower resting metabolic rate which makes them burn off energy at a slower rate than men do. This is turn leaves women feeling cold while men will feel the need to turn the air conditioner on. So there you have it, one more way the divide between men and women is pronounced and doesn’t need to be.

Effect of Temperature & Productivity in the Workplace

Not only will turning the thermostat up at work save you money on your energy bill, around 11 percent when you turn it up only five degrees; but you will find that productivity among employees will sky rocket. There was a study done that showed when the thermostat was turned up from 72 to 77 degrees in an insurance office, productivity went up 150 percent! Employees were actually making less mistakes in their work as well. Typos went down 40 percent with the temperature a little warmer. It sounds like it’s time for men to shed a few layers and be ready for a warmer temperature, while women wear season appropriate clothing to work.

HVAC Heating & Air Conditioning Installation, Replacement, Emergency Repairs, Preventive Maintenance in Las Vegas Valley, Summerlin, North LV & Henderson Nevada

If you are having any issues with your air conditioning or heating system, Air Supply Heating & Air Conditioning can help you solve the problem. We offer a wide variety of HVAC services to keep you comfortable at home and at work. Call us today!