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How to Tell if Coolant or Freon is Leaking from Your HVAC Unit in Summerlin, NV & if it Needs to Be Recharged

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With winter having drawn an end to its season, spring has quickly arrived. While the weather is somewhat decent you may want to watch out for signs that your HVAC unit is leaking coolant. As most know, your coolant is the lifeline of your HVAC unit and is what is essential to cool the air in your home. Air Supply Heating & Air Conditioning will share a few of the signs that your HVAC unit is leaking that precious coolant that we here in Nevada rely on during those hot summer months.

Function of AC Cooling System

If all goes well, the coolant or refrigerant should never leak and rarely does it need refilling. Your coolant is recycled each time your HVAC unit is running. The coolant evaporates into cool air which is what is used to cool the inside of the house. The job of the return vents is to suck up the air again and transform it back into the refrigerant. Thus the cycle continues. This cycle is why you hardly ever have to refill your HVAC unit’s refrigerant. Nonetheless, it does happen. If your HVAC unit is indeed leaking coolant you will need a qualified HVAC technician to repair the leak, and most of all, refill the coolant.

Signs of Low HVAC Coolant & Leaks

When your HVAC unit is low on coolant, it is common for the interior coils to freeze over. This sign should never be disregarded. When the ice melts you will have water that leaks into your furnace and sometimes onto the floor. The water can damage the furnace and cause more problems for your HVAC unit. However low coolant problems can also be due to a simple clog that can be easily cleaned out.
1. One of a few signs that your HVAC unit is leaking coolant is either low airflow or warm air coming in from the register. The registers are the vents that output the conditioned air.
2. Another common sign is as stated before. You will notice water dripping on the floor either from or near your unit.
3. Ice that continuously builds up or a coat of frost on the copper lines that connect to the HVAC unit and the indoor coils is also a sign.
4. You may even be noticing your home may be taking more time than usual to cool down.
5. Probably one of the most oblivious signs that there is a problem–and most often related to refrigerant loss – is that your power or energy bill seems much higher than usual. This often happens when your coolant is leaking and your Air Conditioner unit continually works at cooling down the air. Without the coolant, your unit is working much harder.

Air Conditioning Installation, Emergency Repair, Maintenance & More in Las Vegas Valley, Summerlin, North LV & Henderson Nevada

Keep a few of these common signs that you might be leaking coolant from your HVAC unit in mind. When noted, call an HVAC repair technician right away to repair and refill your HVAC unit coolant. Air Supply Heating & Air Conditioning can help you maintain, repair and inspect your HVAC system. If you find that your home is having a hard time cooling down your home or office this upcoming summer, contact Air Supply Heating & Air Conditioning today.