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What Are the Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning When Fossil Fuel is Burned During Use of a Furnace etc in Summerlin NV & How

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One of the most common causes of carbon monoxide poisoning is from a faulty heating system. The heater in your home is most likely using gas and when that gas line has any kind of leak it can start to fill up your home. There are two reasons that during the winter, carbon monoxide is a problem. One is from the heating system and the gas line and second is due to winterizing your home. That means that homes are locked up and sealed up tight. Most people don’t leave windows open to vent their house. And doors are kept closed to keep the cold air out. That means that if there was a leak, it has nowhere to go expect for in your home. Dealing with carbon monoxide is a real issue and there are some things that you can do.

Air Supply Heating & Air Conditioning Explains What Carbon Monoxide Is & How To Help Prevent A Potential Leak

What Is Carbon Monoxide?: Carbon monoxide is a gas that has no odor at all and no taste. You cannot see the gas when it has a leak and that means that detection is extremely hard. The only real way to detect a problem is to have a specialized monitor installed in your home. Carbon monoxide is sometimes called a silent killer because it does not give you the alert like smoke or a gas leak would. Carbon monoxide occurs when fossil fuel is burned such as during use of a furnace, fireplace, generator or gas stove to name a few. If it is let loose in a home that is closed up tight it can be a serious danger to the people that are living in the home.
What Are the Symptoms of a Carbon Monoxide Leak?: There are symptoms that you need to be aware of which are signs that you could have a carbon monoxide leak. Some of the them include dizziness, nausea, headache, confusion and weakness. These are all symptoms that come after you have already been exposed to the deadly gas. There is damage done when these symptoms start and if not diagnosed soon enough could cause death. A study has shown that over 400 people die from this gas each year in the United States.
How is Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevented?: One of the top causes of carbon monoxide poisoning is from the gas heater or furnace. The gas that is being used to generate heat in the home through the heater or furnace can cause carbon monoxide to occur. The best way to stop this from happening is to have your furnace maintained properly. The unit should be repaired and in great working order. Any damage could be the cause of the potential problem and making sure that you are staying ahead of repairs is the best way. You also should have carbon monoxide monitors in your home as well as fire detectors. They will alert you of a problem much sooner that you would start to feel the symptoms.

Furnace Heater & Air Conditioner Maintenance & More in Las Vegas Valley, Summerlin, North LV & Henderson Nevada

Air Supply Heating & Air Conditioning offers expert HVAC services.  for your next inspection and tune up today to be sure you are ready for the warmer weather coming!