How Do I Clean the Air in My Baby’s Room?

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As a parent, you want to protect your baby. When your baby comes home you start to look around and start baby-proofing the house. You want to know that your baby is as safe as possible. One thing you may not think about is the air quality that your home has. If your home does not have good air quality it could be harmful to your baby. Air Supply Heating & Air Conditioning explores the importance of indoor air quality further below.

What are the Harmful Particles in the Air?

If you have indoor air pollution, it is caused by PM10 particles, PM2.5 particles, ultrafine particles (UFPs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and biological agents.

PM10 particles- this is particulate matter that is smaller than 10 microns. This would be dust, mold, and pollen

PM2.5 particles – this is particulate matter that is 2.5 microns. This would include vehicle exhaust, smoke from burning wood, biomass fuel, or factory emissions.

Ultrafine particles or UFPS – this is a particulate matter that is 0.1 microns. These particles can be dangerous because they can come into the lung tissue and your bloodstream. They have been linked to heart attacks, asthma, stroke, and cancer.

Volatile organic compounds or VOC- are compounds that vaporize at room temperature. Such as building materials, combustion sources, like cigarettes, and cooking. Cleaning products, paint, or solvents, and personal care products such as perfumes.

Biological agents – these are dust mites and animal dander, such as cats or dogs. This could cause health problems in infants, such as diseases or allergies.

Ways to Reduce Air Pollution & Improve Air Quality

After reading all of this, it can be a little scary to think about the harmful things that can be in your air. The good news is that you can improve your air quality.

Monitor your air – the way you can check your air quality in your baby’s room is by using an IQAir airVisual series. This can take a precise measurement of your air quality. When you know your air quality, it will help you know where to clean to ensure your baby’s room will have good air.

Use Air purifiers– air purifiers can be an effective way to keep your baby’s room cleaner. You can find a portable air purifier, depending on the size of the room. This can help cut back the harmful particles that are in your baby’s room.

Nontoxic natural finished furniture – it is important that you try to use non-toxic natural finish furniture especially when you are purchasing your baby’s crib or mattress.

Manage the humidity– if there is a lot of humidity, purchase a dehumidifier to help regulate the amount of humidity in your home. This can help get rid of yeast, bacteria, and fungus.

Ventilate the baby’s room– let some fresh air into your baby’s room. Opening up the windows can help clean and prevent mold and bacteria from growing.

Regularly change the air filters to your HVAC system– changing your home air filters can help make sure that you have clean air blowing through your vents instead of more dust.

Reduce pet dander– grooming your pets can help reduce the amount of pet dander that gets into your home and is inhaled by your baby.

You want to have clean air when you have a baby in your home. It’s very important and something you need to consider when you are baby-proofing your home. If you need help with your air and want to make sure you have clean air then give Air Supply Heating & Air Conditioning a call for air duct cleaning and HVAC services.

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